Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Last Blog Post For Fast Food Nation.!

In Fast Food Nation, the are trying to explain how fast food isn't really all its out to be. it is destroying our nation and causing many of our children to be overweight. Its states in the text..."Many of our children are becoming obese from eating out to much" I agree with closing down all the fast food joints. We don't need to be eating out every single day. Eating the thousands of calories that McDonalds provides with there french fries and McNuggets. They are trying to show that this "Food" we eat isn't really what we think it is and it is actually killing our economy. With children becoming obese to people dieing from working in the meat factories. Fast Food is hurting us in more ways than you think.

Link To The Movie - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0460792/
A good way to also understand this book it to watch the movie. It is almost exactly the same as the book. (Link Above)

A quick review or "Summary" Of Fast Food Nation, there is one listed here. http://www.powells.com/biblio?isbn=0060938455

A Trailer for the movie - http://www.vh1.com/video/movie-trailers/99753/fast-food-nation.jhtml
Movie is Rated R. Viewer Discretion is Advised.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

1/2 Of Fast Food Nation

Welcome back guys, Its Harley. I have now finished over half the book of Fast Food Nation. Whether we realize it or not, Fast food is really important. Yet if we ever new what went on in these food processing factories we would probably never eat fast food again. "Why do The Fries taste so good?" Its because of the flavor additives they add into them. whether we know this or not but almost every fry comes from the same place. its just about what the company does when they get ahold of them. Its the same for Beef. They kill so many animals a day its unbelievable. Workers say that they work so many hours and work for only minimum wage. "It is the most dangerous job out there", One former cleanup crew member says. They have to go in, When its pitch dark, and clean the thousands of gallons of blood on the machines and the floor. "Its the worst smell you will ever experience". They say it smells so bad you cant get the smell off of you for almost 3 days. People have lost arms, been crushed to death, and yet they just turn there head the other way. There was also one experience where a man was turned into lard and he was served with the rest just like nothing had ever happened.