Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Blog Update 2/6

Welcome back Guys! I have now read 2/6 of the story, Fast Food Nation. Fast food is very important to our economy. Yet they take advantage of us. They post these commercials to hook in young kids and make there parents bring them in. They know parents will cave into a crying child. That is why most fast food joints have a Mascot, or someone of interest to do commercials so you would remember them. Such as Ronald McDonald. Not only do they do that. Some places, Such as Taco Bell or Subway, they make there workers work unreasonable hour and still not get paid overtime. Subway is the worst about this. Underpaid workers, mainly teenagers. Why cant they be like Dave Feamster, Owner of many Little Caesars in Colorado Springs. Work to the top on there own.

Level 2 Questions

Why Does McDonalds have a mascot?
Why is Subway the most corrupt restaraunt?
Why did Ray Kroc base his restaraunt off the younger age group?
Why didnt Ray Kroc want his McDonalds in Disney Land?
Why were Teenagers underpaid?

Level 3 Questions

Is Fast Food really as important as it seems?
Do you think its right for teenagers to be paid under minimum wage?
Should we get rid of Junky Fast Food?

1 comment:

  1. To answer your last level three question I think America should get rid of junky fast food. Even though that would be extremely far fetched and probably never happen, it needs to. People are too reliant on it. If fast food chains were shut down America would have a fit. Some people are so reliant on fast food because of its "convienience" and how quickly you can be served. I only think it's okay to eat fast food on rare occasions--like when it is the last possible choice.
